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Old 02-16-2010, 03:42 PM #23
Otto the Otter
"Toot" Spelled inside out
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Hadn't heard that about the dump trucks, I know when I was in Somalia the bad guys would pull that same kind of crap. They'd mount a 50 cal in the back of their pick ups or what ever conveyance with what ever kind of weapon with what ever kind of makeshift armour. We called them Mad Max vehicles.

But the point is there, that a group of bad guys that isn't a traditional fighting unit used a make shift vehicle for their means. The Joes, on the otherhand, are part of a standing army and would have equipment that is intended for military use or civilian use adapted for the military. The only way I could see the Joes using a pit mine dump truck is if they comendeared it as their only means of getting a job done, similar to the end of the movie Navy SEALs. The jacked some dude's Mecedes as means to escape.
The United States will conquer Terrorism with the help of God and a few Marines.

Some people, when trying to avoid thinking about those things that cause them pain, turn to drink, or perhaps food, or drugs... I turn not to any of those... I collect action figures, turning my mind to the hunt, so that I might find a mote of peace... Over the years, I've found that alcoholism is much more socially acceptable by far.
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