Posts: 502
Join Date: Aug 2009
oh my god
this is possible one of the top ten days of my life.
a new toy store opned in my city today.
i live in the cold snowy north of sweden and there is no way to buy gijoe other then online auctions or websites that overcharge me about 200% and then have huge shipping costs.
i walk into the starwars area and what do i see? GIJOE!!
i havent seen it in a store since i was a kid.
i emptied the shelf....i really actually did..i bought everything they had..and it was like the price of just the shipping for me!!
i scored the cobra gunship a steel crusher and a nightbird and it a dreamlike psyhosis begged the owner to take in everything he can.
im feeling so happy im woozy.
im gonna make that owner rich.