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Old 01-11-2011, 08:42 PM #55
ThinkTank's Avatar
Posts: 4,282
ThinkTank is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Feb 2008

I once had a crippling addiction to MechWarrior3, an online game that still has no equal, even though its been offline for years. I was in a particular mercenary unit and wanted to join a real Clan, from BattleTech lore, to participate in an online league with a virtual economy, planets, "serious" roleplay and unending warfare. Before joining, I wanted to think of a cool name, one that indicated potential violence beneath a logical veneer. I was listening to the radio and heard a news guy talk about the latest offerings from a Washington DC "thinktank." I magic markered the word on the dash of my work vehicle so I wouldn't forget it and have used the name ever since.
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