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Old 01-29-2011, 05:47 PM #8
Junior Member
Posts: 26
joshdahl is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jul 2009

Originally Posted by WildWeasel
Wow, and here I thought we were done.

You make it sound like we steal images and don't give people credit.

As you can clearly see on ANY of our "Image of the Day" images we posted, we fully credit the user, the thread and JoeDios itself. So not quite sure where you are going with your post.

In respons to Roland's comment to me about if/when HissTank posts images we post without asking us, well that is a different situation. Because, they will NEVER credit us for anything. The remove our links all the time when any member posts something of ours.

If anyone wants their image removed that we featured as a way to promote the community AND JoeDios itself let me know and we'll remove it. And at this point if we do decide to continue with the "Image of the Day" feature, I'll be sure to ask first so we don't offend any fragile egos.

As for Prince Adam, I think you are seriously blowing Josh's JOKING comment totally out of proportion. This really bugs me that people here are acting that way. Seems more fitting for another site in the community that just loves to overreact to things.

In regards to Photoshop for the dio contest, you can use Photoshop, but not to put together the whole image. You can use it to remove devices such as strings that you use to hold up your Joes or Joe vehicles.

At this point, I'm really disappointed in the attitude taken by some here. It is not what I have come to recognize by the members here. And that is sad. Especially Nekoman's comment. It also shows what is wrong with this community as a whole, when you try to something together and some turns it around like it is a bad thing.

This is ridiculous and at this point, I'm thinking about shutting down the contest and not bothering to work with any of the other sites, since they all seem to be pretty selfish.

This hobby is really becoming no fun for me.

This is me blowing the TIME OUT whistle!

My friend Wild Weasel is over reacting only because he cares so much about what we do over at The Terrordrome.

Ironically, he responded to perceived negativity by adding some negativity of his own. I understand where his frustration comes from because I started this contest just to have some fun...and involve folks from other sites.

So, can I ask that we all take a step back.....and see this as just a way to have some fun?

I apologize on behalf of The Terrordrome for any drama that might have been thrown around and would like to add a big WHO CARES to any future drama..... because really, what's better... arguing and finger pointing... or playing with toys?

Thank you to everyone for letting these past few posts disappear into the past and moving forward toward making some cool dios. get the ball rolling... who has a cool idea? Better, who has an idea that is impossibly challenging.... ie: A Dali dio or a Modrian.

Thanks everyone.

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