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Old 02-02-2011, 11:07 PM #38
Cobra Freak
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Originally Posted by ender098
Hmmm....let me put in MY $.02

New Wave...only one that sounds like it's a keeper is Steel Brigade Trooper. I might pick up a Jungle Bat just to have one, but like someone said... REPAINT!!

As for Hasbro's failings, I think it's obvious and it will never change. They stock each wave with a case that has 4 Dukes, 4 Cobra Commanders, 4 Snake eyes, 4 Destros and 4 storm shadows and every 3rd box includes one Army builder such as Alley Viper or Shock Trooper. And then they want to whine about how sales suck,because no one wanted to buy the 10,000 ROC destros still on the shelf from 2009! Add to that, they take all the REALLY cool stuff and Target cancels it and we have to try to get one of the two that Ross gets in (Jungle Terror, Desert Cycle, flight pod and Sand Serpent) before it's all scooped up, or buy it on Ebay or from Canada (Desert Rockslide, Polar Sharc, Lava Pod)! While they flood the stores with over priced CRAP! (RIP ATTACK Vehicles! and $16 arctic Rockslides!)

to summarize, if HASBRO REALLY wanted to make GI Joe a Cash Cow, they would flood the market with cool toys and Army builders and cancel the crap they keep trying to shove down out throat!

Maybe they are trying to get the line canceled?
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