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Old 02-04-2011, 03:20 PM #59
Posts: 2,287
Ctrl_Z is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Apr 2010

Was fun reading through all of these so I'll add mine. It's a user name I've been using for about 5 years now. There was a time when I would meet someone at a convention for the first time and they would know "Ctrl_Z" before the new me. That's when I used to post waaaay more. My SN has 2 meanings.

1) I use ctrl+z (the key command) a lot. So much in fact that I sometimes forget you can't use in irl. Ctrl+f too! real life needs a ctrl+f function damn it!

2) (Deeper meaning) Ctrl = Control; Z = Last letter of the alphabet. Control the end. Everyone is (or should be) in control of their own destiny/fate.
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