How many times have you gone to your Big Box Retailer in search of the latest figure or vehicle you've seen or heard about on Joedios and have been screwed by the local Scalper.
Who will then nail some other collector on-line who can't find the same thing you've been looking high and low for. I know of two scalpers in my area that clean pegs of any decent figures or vehicles, all of the time. I have three Walmarts and two Targets within a three mile radius of where I live and a population age of over 65 that outnumbers me 10 to 1. I've never seen Grampa in the store snatching up Shock Troopers to help his 35 year old kid with some army builders. Well to make a long story short, all of my recent finds at Ross and some of the other close out retailers have one thing in common, Packaging Flaws!
The Scalpers won't touch anything with a bent corner or missing peg holder etc... The contents are fine. I don't care if the packaging is a little rough because I'm going to tear into it and remove the contents anyways. Of course after I pay for it.
Not that I'm advocating people should go out and mangle packaging to piss off the local scalpers who in turn piss us off.
But keep that in mind, when you find more than one Destro with money or Low Light that some greedy scalper hasn't snagged. SCALPERS HATE BAD PACKAGING!!!!!!!