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Old 02-23-2011, 04:49 PM #20
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Originally Posted by Prince Adam
Were you guys looking to make friends with this board? Face it. If you were trying to be as diplomatic as your martyrdom would insist than one of you 'Dromers would’ve come over yourself and invited JDs rather than polishing Hammerfel’s rod by making him a judge.

This made me laugh at work. And I can't tell them why.
Josh asked me if he should post the news to JD or if I should. I made the call that I'd post the news to the front page, so you can blame me for that one. Prince Adam.

This is a cool contest, like the last one was, where JD peeps posted some awesome entries. I tied for third and it was FUN!

As for the earlier posts in this thread that were taken the wrong way, sarcasm/kidding on the intertubes via fake insults is hard, and should not be attempted. People often take them seriously.
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