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Weekend Warriors: March and April
Old 02-24-2011, 09:58 PM #1
keyboard commando
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Default Weekend Warriors: March and April

Another month, another thread to avoid confusion:

March 4th - 6th: Crossovers
Could also just be off topic shots since that's pretty much how the theme used to go.

March 11th - 13th: Crayons
Because you all asked for it, next week we do Crayon backgrounds. So get to scribbling!

March 18th - 20th: Extreme Conditions
The worst places to be caught in, hot deserts, cold climates, any sort of not so fun places to be. Joes and Cobras go there.

March 25th - 27th: Leaders
Doesn't have to be Duke, Hawk or Cobra Commander, but make sure they're leading at least!

April 1st - 3rd: Customs
LBC's or painted figures, but preferably in a dio setting.

April 8th - 10th: Bad Figure Challenge
Make a really bad figure look cool. Golobulus, Toxo-Zombie, etc. The worse the better.

April 15th - 17th: 90's Guys with Mustaches and Fruit, Dancing to Music while Dodging Enemy Bullets and Still Having a Good Old Time
Just wondering how long it'll take someone to notice...

April 22nd - 24th: Ninja Nonsense
Dang those wacky ninjas, they're at it again!

The rest are left open for more suggestions. Old suggestions or seconding suggestions is okay too!

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