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Old 03-08-2011, 11:12 AM #38
Reverend Blood
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Originally Posted by Rick
Hey Hasbro take a walk in your stores you distribute in and see what doesn't sell

They did, and that's also caused it's own problem. Cash case Destro has been one of the hardest to find figures out there, because they took a walk and saw nothing but arctic destros warming pegs. Instead of thinking "Maybe it's the lame gimmick" they thought "nobody likes destro" So ZERO new destros got put in revision cases.
Only in his actual wave, which shipped him two to a case.
So while Low Lights, Shadow Tracker, and sky dive are starting to show up, it's for the same reason we're starting to see a few more shock troopers, alley vipers, and Jungle Vipers on shelves. Stores are ordering, or being given the option to order based on hasbro reps, revision cases before ordering the actual wave cases.

bleh. /endrant
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