That guy
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Originally Posted by San Pickles
It's pretty grim out there. Makes you wonder what Hasbro and the Big Boxes are up to. Makes it hard to collect much of anything right now.
I have a small antique store, but I also have gifts that are new. One of the reps I buy from told me that his and other companies have separate presidents for their online catalog stores. The implication is that the online and retail portions of companies are competing with each other. Maybe that is what is happening with Hasbro. Maybe the online stuff is out selling units in retail locations, so Hasbro lets the online retailers and the Hasbro shop have most of the inventory.
Oh, it's all right. I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are. Isn't that right, Mr... Poopy Pants?