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Soldier Force
Old 03-21-2011, 03:28 AM #4
Urban Saboteur
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Thumbs up Soldier Force

Oh definately, but is that because hasbro and their marketers are over pricing GIJOE? With the modern day family and the cost of living, now more than ever parents will be looking for alternatives?

If daddy's buying two or three figures for his son at $8-$9 a go and they are getting flung around the room and not looked after, but a cheaper alternative that is just as good can be bought for half that cost?

I'm not saying chap mei is only being picked because its cheaper, I'm well aware they've made some fantastic toys, but i'm sure that must have some reflection. I've been in stores and over heard parents say that to their kid "I'm not spending £12 on a figure you wont be playing with or have no interest in next week"

I don't think that is the case with every family i'm just saying it could be responsible for some of those surges in kids playing more with chap mei.

It be interesting to see what kind of patterns have emerged over the last 15 or 20 years on GIJOE sales.. Is their sales market predominantly kids still? Or has it swung to being supported by guys in their early 30s supporting their collecting hobby?

It's certainly an interesting topic, so well done to Tones for bringing it up.

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