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Libya & Ghaddafi
Old 03-21-2011, 06:58 PM #5
Urban Saboteur
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Thumbs down Libya & Ghaddafi

One of the many issues I have with France, UK & USA getting involved in Iraq & Libya is that they always claim to be doing it to save the people.


So there is absolutely no other agenda here at all? they are only there to save the people?

Why is it then Sierra Leone was in a civil war for almost 25 years.. and the western countries.. and 'saving saints' of the UN did nothing to help the raped and killed in Sierra Leone?

It seems for your life to be saved in this day and age.. you must have collateral. By ignoring African countries like Sierra Leone it sends a message out to educated people that they only care for the countries and people that have a reason to be saved?

This is Wrong IMO. What a terrible state for Humanity to be in. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying we should let Ghaddafi allow his military to fire on Civilians. I'm not saying that at all, but Iraq & Libya aren't the only countries to go through a civil war are they in the last 20-30 years?

So the real question is.. If the coalition forces are doing this to save the people and free them from a dispicable regime.. why havent they done something in the other countries before now?

Now alot of net sites and conspiracy reporters aim most of this at global resources, it's true the eastern country has oil in abundance.. but is that all that is at play here? Or is there something more sinister and a bigger reason for them to be doing what they are doing. Again even if you end up with the 'we're doing it soley for the oil' argument.. it's still a poor state for humanity for them to go over and help out only if they have something to offer in return.

In a world where we are brought up not to be discriminitive against people, regardless of age, race, wealth.. they sure are sending a very bad message. If not to everyone else on this planet, it certainly looks that way from where I'm stood.

According to Wikipedia the surpression and the regime in Sierra Leone is over (ha) yeah right.
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