G.I. Smurf
Posts: 3,446
Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by troopsofdoom
Renegades will be on hiatus until after the new movie. Every show goes on hiatus between seasons, it's not unusual.
True, but not for 2 years. If they wait from now, 2011, until after the movie which will be late 2012, it will be 2013 before we see another season. To much time in between. Its probably like many have said, there will be a new show following the movie which as Chris griffin says "succcksss." I admit I hated the art with a passion, I wish they would change the style and form a team with more members in the second season, but the show grew on me to where it was killing me waiting a week to see the new show. Right now I feel like saying like so many girls say, "I HATE MY LIFE."