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Old 04-06-2011, 10:21 AM #3
Posts: 1,055
zedhatch is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Feb 2005

Basic rundown is I have a pretty clear idea of what I want up front but I never set it in stone so that I can catch that spontanious factor. sometimes something hits me at the moment that, to me, is gold.

But I firmly believe a guildline is a must and that a fully scripted sequence is too limiting and doesn't allow for that "Oh this would be cool" moments that end up being some of the best stuff overall.

The tough part is remembering those moments that came while shooting, try to remember to write them down in someway to remind yourself later.

Storyboarding, to me, seems redundant in relation to what we do. I get it for movies because lots of people need to know what is going on, but in this case it is one person (useually, sometimes two) and it seems the nessessary communication needed to be visualised is unessessary in this case. Then again I suppose it might help some conseptualize, but for me it seems like an extra step.

Shoot and hope for the best can be very rewarding but also ends up being more shooting than actually productive work. I don't think it works very well all the time, some of it will produce a sponanious element that does seem to be missing in most diostories but overdoing it will make things seem totally chaotic I think.
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