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Old 04-06-2011, 06:53 PM #5
Troops of Doom
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Originally Posted by Otto the Otter
When making my Dio-story, I had a story in my head and when I shot the scenes, I shot them with the dialogue in my head, knowing who was going to say what, and how I needed to frame the shot to keep the figures in frame as well as make room for speech bubbles. For action shots, I just shot lots of extra pictures from different angles, with close ups and far shots. I'd also shoot several pictures of scenes in case I want to add more dialogue or not have a bunch of bubbles in one frame.

I do the same the same thing for my comic but it's the exact opposite for my JoeDios shots. The setups are spontaneous and afterwords I look at the photo and try to figure out what's happening in it. I let the photo inspire the story.
My JoeDios photos | Flickr
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