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Old 04-06-2011, 11:34 PM #5
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Originally Posted by Otto the Otter
The original author is talking with someone from Hasbro about this. Imagine if Hasbro said they were going to make a set of six or seven female Vipers, would you buy it after they give you the price point, etc. If 10,000 people say they'll buy it and pay, Hasbro will make 10,000 sets for those people only. If only 1,000 people will buy, Hasbro wouldn't make the set.

yea but there's also the option of other figures...I know for one I wouldn't buy 7 all female vipers... now if it was mixed range of female viper types or female soldiers then yes...
Another person even mentioned about the female figures that haven't been produced yet....Jinx, Cover Girl that looked more like the orig, Dr. Knox, etc.

1 Viper
1 blueshirt soldier
1 Alley Viper
1 Eel
1 Crimson Guard
1 Range Viper (Evey!)
1 Tele-Viper
was a list another person gave with me saying Strato-viper instead of the female Alley Viper.
They also said that Hasbro does visit all the Joe sites for ideas and such.
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