Originally Posted by Hammerfel
How about if I promoted these threads to the front page? More visibility?
If you want me to, please edit your post to make it more of a challenge than an insult, and I'll promote it up!
Hey Hammer, thanks for responding.
See, the thing is this might've been nice if you'd offered this around two months ago when participation dropped off. Even then though, what's the point if you have to force people to do it? So I will decline, no, I do not want to edit my post and no, I don't want it on the front page.
It's not a challenge to save Weekend Warriors either. I'm just saying that if people don't start coming on and actually doing this thing there's no point in having it or organizing any other such event.
I also want to clarify that I'm not making a generalized statement about everyone here, many of the members here a great folks. It's just that it seems to me that a lot of the newer members have little or no interests in participating. If you need proof look at the dwindling amount of commentators and sudden lack of participation with this once the older members get run off. Everyone that's left only wants to post their own pictures and their own ideas without giving anything back.