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Old 04-29-2011, 11:28 AM #9
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Originally Posted by The BATman
Plus, don't forget, many people that visit this site to view or post pictures, never go to the forum, so they may never find out about Weekend Warriors. It's not like the forum is the primary focus of this site. It's not exactly hyper-visible from the home page either, more like a hidden feature. And if someone does click on that forum link, by default only the last month of posts are visible, so they will miss a lot of the history and it won't be easy to "get into it". In other words, the forum, its community, and thus Weekend Warriors, are irrelevant to the vast majority of the visitors of

And finally, Flickr. I suppose it's only natural that Flickr would leech away some people from You said it yourself; apparently there's a Weekend Warriors going on on Flickr too, so surely that is a cause of less participation here on But don't worry, in time, it will fade out over there just like it does over here. And perhaps then someone will say: "I don't mind giving up on Weekend Warriors here, because we're also doing it over on, and there a lot more people are involved than here on Flickr".

Hope you don't mind me cutting this down just to what I'm referring to.

First, if people don't visit the forum, that means almost no one's reading the forum rules! Which could be something, but I don't think that many people aren't reading the forums. I just think that newer members feel they have no need to participate with anything but themselves, and so far nothing's being done to change that.

Onto Flickr, it is in no way taking from the people who participate here. No way, at all, whatsoever. Participation here had dropped off for awhile before I started it on Flickr, and the people who are doing it at Flickr now are the same folks who had been doing it here before they got pissed with one problem or another. I wouldn't have been so vocal about all this if I didn't know there's others who think like me.

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