Originally Posted by Black Knight
Thank you for that, however I think you're still missing my point... I'm not arguing if Agent has or has not screwed people over or anything else of that nature. I'm simply stating that I think some members here are being quite childish by calling names and pointing fingers on a thread that has NOTHING to do with that particular situation. This thread is about "Weekend Warriors", not "Has Agent Viper pissed in your Cheerios today?" If you all want to point fingers and call him a bunch of childish names, then by all means do so, just for the sake of myself and other members who graduated grade school, start another thread for it.
That is what I'm arguing.
Isn't that a little hypocritical? You're saying not to openly bash Agent Diaper here and yet belittling the members who do so by calling them grade schoolers and the like. Aren't you essentially doing the same thing?
I'm not sure Prince had any or much intention of coming back here, so I think he was just getting that out while he was at it. Agent's post was really irritating and PA said it straight. I think a lot of us would start to trust or forgive Agent Viper if he had any intention of setting himself right, but he doesn't. He's still up to the same old antics at different places under different aliases.
Originally Posted by lardman
How's about a specific tag for photos/dios for each WW topic, something like the twitter hashtags, then that tag could simply be listed in the WW announcement post.
I'd also be keen to see some more publicity for each WW announcement, but perhaps simply a new sticky every week would do the job?
With that said, weekly is not something I could realistically do, far too much work on - I'd prefer a monthly topic, with perhaps weekly sub-topics, then people can focus on specific weekly shots or do a generic monthly one if they lack the time every week.
Just a few random ideas I thought I'd throw out to the wolves 
Interesting ideas, though I think from now on I'll just put up the topics way more in advance and if no one makes suggestions I like they'll just be whatever I decide. That way if you only want to do one out of every month you can come on and pick the one you want from each month and just do that one.
Also, don't worry about doing it weekly! No ones responsible for doing Weekend Warriors! I hope that's not what I've come off as saying, this is a fun weekly theme for everyone but no one has to do it. The only thing I think is that the members who make frequent postings need to make more comments and interact more with the community here, but a lot of them don't and I think that's part of what's wrong with Weekend Warriors.
Originally Posted by M1General
Nekoman can you explain to me what the guidelines are?
I'm just not clear how they work, Thank you 

You just post a pic if you want that loosely fits the theme for that week. It's that easy!