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Old 05-07-2011, 05:18 PM #30
Senior Member
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Originally Posted by Nekoman
Also, don't worry about doing it weekly! No ones responsible for doing Weekend Warriors! I hope that's not what I've come off as saying, this is a fun weekly theme for everyone but no one has to do it. The only thing I think is that the members who make frequent postings need to make more comments and interact more with the community here, but a lot of them don't and I think that's part of what's wrong with Weekend Warriors.

Cool, that sounds good. So someone else mentioned not easily being able to find the posts for any given WW, there was a suggestion that everyone post in the same thread (i.e. one for each WW) or the alternative is for everyone to tag their photos/dios for a given WW theme and for that tag/search link to be placed in the WW thread.

Whatever people decide, I think being able to look back through the past WW topics and easily find the photos/dios people have submitted is a very important thing for new posters to find inspiration and just generally see what other people have been up to.
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