Originally Posted by Nekoman
Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't get mad if someone posts a bad shot. I just hate it when people waltz on and post a picture and disappear without caring about what everyone else does, know what I mean? It's like some people (really, regardless of the quality), want to show off but don't really care about anything else regarding the site. I could name names but I don't want to because that would be overly confrontational.
Also, your pic was great and met my standard despite that I don't have one. Thanks for caring.
It's cool man, don't worry about it.
Alright that made it a bit clearer.
I understand the frustration myself, as I had a minor blurb on hisstank when joedios was down. One thing you have to realize is that not everybody can post in the forum, on pictures and whatnot else - some have lives that only give them some time to post pictures or do stuff on the page. I mostly try to post pictures and once in a while reply on comments on them - rarely do I go into the forum, but it happens. Some are limited with the time they have and choose just a small bit - and some aren't hobby photographers with excellent equipment, some are young and so on - I think it's important that we focus on the joys of sharing a hobby instead of getting sucked into "Quality" or the motives behind why people do what they do. Let them contribute what they can even if it is "bad" work. Usually I can find something good even in crappy I-Phone pictures (poses or ideas) or worse.
Anyways, you should let the torch pass to someone else if you feel frustrated with weekend warriors, it's too good a concept to let it die. I'm sure there are people out there willing to try and keep up with it (myself included as long as I can log into joedios lol).
Again I do understand the frustration though, been there done that myself