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Old 05-08-2011, 06:16 PM #40
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Originally Posted by haradrel
Alright that made it a bit clearer.

I understand the frustration myself, as I had a minor blurb on hisstank when joedios was down. One thing you have to realize is that not everybody can post in the forum, on pictures and whatnot else - some have lives that only give them some time to post pictures or do stuff on the page. I mostly try to post pictures and once in a while reply on comments on them - rarely do I go into the forum, but it happens. Some are limited with the time they have and choose just a small bit - and some aren't hobby photographers with excellent equipment, some are young and so on - I think it's important that we focus on the joys of sharing a hobby instead of getting sucked into "Quality" or the motives behind why people do what they do. Let them contribute what they can even if it is "bad" work. Usually I can find something good even in crappy I-Phone pictures (poses or ideas) or worse.

Anyways, you should let the torch pass to someone else if you feel frustrated with weekend warriors, it's too good a concept to let it die. I'm sure there are people out there willing to try and keep up with it (myself included as long as I can log into joedios lol).

Again I do understand the frustration though, been there done that myself

I don't have a problem with people posting bad shots. Not all of my own are good either! But when I can I try to tell folks what I think might be wrong with their photos or if there's nothing wrong what I like about the photo. That's the kind of interaction that makes sharing fun. I know some people don't have time for any number of reasons and can't help not commenting, but I'm not talking about those folks. Never been bothered by them. What gets me is people who post stuff day after day and still never comment, if you look around you'll see what I'm talking about.

As for passing on Weekend Warriors, if ever I'm away or quit coming here anyone's free to pick it back up. With that said I'm a man of my word and may not leave or quit WW, as there has been a lot of participation this week (which is cool guys!). The event itself is easy to organize too.

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