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a kinda funny story
Old 06-21-2011, 05:33 PM #1
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Default a kinda funny story

Here is what happened I went to my parents house brought all 200 plus Joes with and had them in my allice pack and the ones I use most in a WW2 cargo bag modified with straps. I was there one week and for some reason I didnt have that "Creative energy" lol anyways I left there yesterday afternoon brought all my stuff with me or so I thought..........

I unloaded the van with my grandfathers help (he drove me there). I unloaded everything and notices something was missing but what???? I look and im like ok what is missing here.... O S#%& I forgot almost all my Joes at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have with me about 20 of them plus what I found under my bed (my extras like the 6 Cobra Commanders I have cuz I wanted the figures he came with) I was quite upset but I called my mom and dad and they said they would look after them for me and I should see them the next time my mom and dad come and visit me.

Anyone else have a similar story???
No Guts No Glory
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