Thread: Sdcc Starscream
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Sdcc Starscream
Old 08-18-2011, 05:03 PM #1
I'm insane
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Thumbs down Sdcc Starscream

When I heard news of a Skystryker coming out of SDCC named STARSCREAM with Cobra Commander I was pretty excited and was thinking about getting one on Ebay. Sure the price was high but that's what you get for a toy that transforms from a jet into a robot right. Then I looked at the package and noticed and saw no pictures of STARSCREAM in robot mode. With the price in the 200 range I figured the plane would transform given that's how much the Transformer Takara Masterpiece series of transformers runs for. I also figured why would the price be so high if Hasbro was releasing single seat Skystrykers for roughly 40 bucks. There had to be something different with the SDCC one. Well other than a cool CC pilot there wasn't. Hasbro could have hit one out of the park if the STARSCREAM SKYSTRYKER transformed. Instead a different paint job, a name of a Transformer; a semi cool figure and a 40 dollar jet jacked up by 160 dollars. Btw the should name the movie Gi Joe 2 the Apology instead of Retaliation!
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