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Old 09-28-2011, 07:23 AM #64
80s Child
Posts: 1,852
80s Child is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jul 2011

80s Child:

I was born in '77, so my childhood occured in the best decade to be a child ever - the 1980s. As a 34 year-old now with adult problems like mortgage, job stuff, etc. etc. I often think back to my happy place where hope and possibilities were endless - the 80s. So, when things get a little sticky in present day, I like to harken back to the days of Storm Shadow, Optimus Prime, Cringer, Chewbacca, Tygra, Uncle Jesse, K.I.T.T., Murdock, Angus, and Jessica Fletcher.

Youth IS wasted on the young.
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