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Dio theme you're working on, but got bored and dis-interested.
Old 01-29-2007, 11:46 AM #1
Can't keep up with Joes.
Posts: 381
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Default Dio theme you're working on, but got bored and dis-interested.

I've been collecting some figs for a dio-project for over a year now, and it looks as if it's not gonna happen since I've felt disinterested in the Star Brigade line at the moment.

Is there any flexibility for a space dio if it's all relatively going to play out in space? And are there any limitations in doing one?

I am totally stuck at the moment in trying to get the production to take off, but with lack of items, props, and $$$, it's probably going to wind up as small pics as posted on this site.

If anyone wants to offer their $0.02 to get my creative ideas going, I'd like to hear it.
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