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Whats up with no description in pics?
Old 01-29-2012, 10:40 PM #1
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Default Whats up with no description in pics?

Just curious about why a lot of people aren't putting a description in with pics...or just saying "I hope you like the pic"....I like to read what the photographer was thinking about when the pic was taken or just basically a brief description in the story behind it.. I just find it offensive when you say something about the pic and then the photographer gripes you out cause so and so wasn't in the pic but yet you can't tell it cause there's NO description...or just titling the pic with no story behind it. That or if you give a little critique to help someone and they take offense... I thought that's what the whole posting of pics were for besides being told GREAT PIC....but whats the story behind it??? Just over 1/2 of the pics in the latest photos category are this way... I guess it could be just me though.
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