I actually think some people take this hobby way too seriously and need to lighten up (or at least take a laxitive).
As for having your own work to back up opinions, I have to say I can't draw worth a crap, but I can recognize a good drawing.
Positive renforcement-if that's why you post you will always be disappointed, this is the internet where ass like opinions are protected by the sheild of the screen. but in your example:
First of mention something good that they did in the shot something that works and helps out with the over all project, you give positive re enforcement then you add what they can fix or what not. You don't just jump in and say that's a good shot but it would have been way better if, your not helping nor engaging the person.
You said not to do exactly what you said to do.
If you want sunshine and roses for everything you do, well not going to happen. I've been doing stuff like this since 2002, and I have been called a jerk, jackass, tons of other explicitives I won't repeat here, told I'm wasting my time, wasting the internet space, an all around waste, and on and on, and each time it starts to get me down come to one conclusion-EFF 'EM. You can't please everyone no matter how hard you try and you can't let that one assclown bring you down. This is something we do for enjoyment (or at least it's supposed to be. I mean these are TOYS, the name inplys a sence of fun very strongly).
As for descriptions, yep they need to get better, not sure what can be done to change that though, if people aren't going to talk about their pics then what can you do.