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Old 02-03-2012, 11:17 PM #18
Great Gorgon
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Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
everything's highly speculative at the moment. the other groups/forums/pages were going crazy because as they look closer at the pics, they see things like 5 points of articulation, too many Arashikage Logos, etc. I noticed that these are most likely drawings, and drawings made by an artist who's not very well informed about Joe lore as we all are, coz this Mucking Foron thinks the I-Ching symbol of the Arashikage is the official GI Joe logo and is seriously unclear as to how to draw the Cobra sigil.

people were saying that Ninjas don't ride Monster trucks and Loud -a$$ choppers, so why have the I-Ching on it?

figures were drawn ambigously, there's a figure that looks like a modern greenshirt, then the next pic shows him with a Cobra Blue cape and gasmask.

if you look closely at the ankles, elbows, joints, you don't really see too many detail, leading everyone to believe that these figs will have only 5 points of articulation.

i'm just saying, YES! Be excited for the new movie and for the fact that new toys are coming out. But let us also be cautious, we've had our collective hearts broken before, so let's just wait and see when the new toys come out. and if we don't like it, we all know what we are all gonna do.

we will rise up and take to our chatrooms, forums, blogs, and websites. we will all air our grievances and our disappointments. and then we will go out and buy them anyway, and pay the outrageous prices that they will set on them.


I agree with ya on that . but I look at it this was Joe two movie is about the ninja's plain in simple . so the designers are gonna slap a ninja logo on anything thats not nailed down so the kiddies can relate to what will be shown on screen. now if hasbro were smart (wich lets face it they prob aint) they should go the route and added dual logos to the stickers. and I don't really get why folks are complaining about the articulation if I recall when the POC and 30th figures per-production pics turned up there was a few similar debates as X loook like they didn't had torso swivel or Y didn't have ankle joints . I say once they showcase the figures or release more pic we will know
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