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Old 02-06-2012, 04:42 PM #48
80s Child
Posts: 1,852
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Join Date: Jul 2011

I agree with Flatline - the truck looks cool - it reminds me of the SWAT type vehicle I did here except the HASBRO one is more beefed-up

I also agree with NJ that the Arashakage stickers should go - like 218 said Ninjas are stealth, plus it's "G.I. Joe Vs. Cobra , not Arashikage Vs. Cobra - especially since in Retaliation's timeline, Storm Shadow (a huge part of that clan) is still a baddie apparently. It's like when marvel started labeling their comics "g.i.joe FEATURING SNAKE EYES" towards the end of the original run.

Don't get me wrong - I love Snake Eyes as much as the next guy, but I worry he may be in dnager of being overexposed and/or making all the other Joes seem unneccesary judging by Hasbro's latest product push. Oh well, I'm sure they know what they're doing

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