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Old 02-06-2012, 06:59 PM #50
80s Child
Posts: 1,852
80s Child is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jul 2011

Does Snake Eyes wear those blue wings when he jumps the shark? The figure packaging will probably say: Snake Eyes: Fonzi-Assault (JK)

Seriously though - great hi-res pics 218!

My comments:

1. I really like Storm Shadow's new "pantaloons" they remind me of how the old ball players use to wear their uniforms like Ty Cobb & Babe Ruth.
2. I like Snake Eye's Uzi & Torso-pouches gear.
3. I like the greenshirts with the helmets on - they look like Rebel Commandos from Return Of The Jedi the way their pant legs have the cargo pockets and go all the way down to their boot heels.
4. That one Red ninja looks like Slice -
5. Zartan coming with SS & SE heads - interesting....
6. The Rip-Saw, err HISS scout looks alright.
7. That green plane looks pretty sweet, original, and armed to the teeth!
8. That face camo/makeup on Roadblock ain't bad - like something Billy had I think in Predator.
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