This is what worked for me......
Go to the website...
and go to the contact page....put the store # of the stores near you....They have a store finder that will give the #'s if you don't know them... send a email complaining about how the Dept Mgr for toys is NOT ORDERING Joes and make sure to leave a contact #... I did this and a Asst. Mgr. called the next day from the store and I told him what was going on... in my case it was 5 missile Duke's and thats it sitting there.. the dept mgr told me that they had 26 on hand according to the Gemini (the gun they order with) but yet she tells me there's none in the back for over a month... I told the asst mgr this and he went and ordered 2 cases......supposed to be in the store in 3 weeks.. it might work so might try it...
In a case like this if they HAVE the pegs for them but empty for a LONG while you'd just say it in the email about them being empty and how you WOULD buy them IF they had them on hand....