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Old 05-14-2012, 04:09 AM #8
G.I. Smurf
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Originally Posted by Goldbug
Here is an idea I had but not sure how it can be pulled off...
A JoeDios site diostory where each participant creates a chapter.
I suppose the best option is for participants to choose characters from a roster. Each person only uses those characters in their chapter. However there should be some cooperation between authors if they will have communication between characters in their chapters. The story in the chapters should be linked somehow.

We did something like that a few years back. People had their names down and on certain days of the week that person would have to post 3 panels continuing the dio story from where the other left it. It went on a bit, but with only 3 panels to do anything with it wasn't that good.

For me we don't all need to do a combined dio story, but it would be great if say people started joining Joervere's. My cousin and I have our Joeverse combined. we can't do anything drastic that would effect a character if we don't talk it out with the other so as to not distort their Joeverse. We also have to keep it accurate as to what happens in each others. It's hard, but the good thing is we can use each others custom characters.

It would be great to treat it like a comic book, where you had a crossover every so often. But to do that peoples Joeverse's would have to be in synch.
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