Originally Posted by Hammerfel
I just couldn't tolerate seeing epic dio stories purged from the web forever. Imagine if the images of our current, former and passed members were deleted after 90 days! What a tragedy that would be!
Yikes! I'd hate to see self-modifier's, outrider's, yours, wowboy's, violentfix's, or anyone's work who hasn't been on for a while lose everything!
I myself stepped away for a bit due to a crappy marriage, but came back recently and remembered - "Hey are my dios still being hosted?" LOL. I couldn' find my old files and thought they might be gone forever. Thankfully Checkpointalpha still exists and Joedios. You guys are great and a Godsend. It would be a shame if people lost their dios and photos due to a website erasing them for recent inactivity!