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Old 07-03-2012, 05:13 AM #5
Lava Boss
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Night landing seems neat, but it's still just a little boat, the kind every knock-off line made their own version of. Funny that was the only additional Retaliation vehicle shown.

Movie Cobra Trooper (or ninja) is cool if only for the Cobra flag.

Concept stuff:

Kwinn- Why is this so impossible to get made?

New Generic Joes- Echo Faction, Steel Brigade 2 and the other one. Not bad per se, but there's a host of Joe that they could remake.

Zombies- I find it hard to believe they go that much in that direction ever. As a seven pack, yeah, but mass retail...I can't seen major buyers going for it.

Ninjas- Not a ninja fan. And the names...ugh...BEAST NINJA, GHOST NINJA, DARK NINJA MASTER...generic.

It was like 1992 again, zombies and ninjas. Star Brigade would be just around the corner.

The vehicles, the Coyote they went action feature on, seems like it wouldn't hold the whole Renegades Joe squad (the ones they made, they didn't even have Roadblock as a mock-up).

The Howler was so undersized as to be useless.

The other one was just another APC, which are never as good as they sound.

But I don't collect modern style. And even some of the Retaliation figures look neat, at $10 each...I'll stick with trying to get what few Star Wars items I can want (if I can find them). One thing I prefer about Star Wars, most of their convention stuff is skippable to all but die hard collectors.
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