Stuart "Outback" Selkirk
First released in 1987* as the GI Joe teams survival instructor, Outback was actually going to be part of Eco Warriors in 1993**. Sadly he and the other Eco Warrior figure Snow Storm were both carded in Battle Corps packaging as the Eco Warriors line was cancelled. Outback featured a marbleized coating of neon paint on his pants just before he was repainted in standard tan to suit the Battle Corps*** line better. The convention exclusive pays tribute more so to the 1987 version however is decked out in a more rugged uniform. Outback is a mesh mash of different Joe parts mostly from the Pursuit of Cobra line as well as his equipment he carries. Outback includes a removable vest, backpack that holds several items including cell phone, radio antenna, water container and axe. Outback's weapons include knife, machete, sniper rifle and shotgun.
Outback v.1
Outback v.3
Outback v.4