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Old 04-22-2014, 02:59 PM #9
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Stuart "Outback" Selkirk

First released in 1987* as the GI Joe teams survival instructor, Outback was actually going to be part of Eco Warriors in 1993**. Sadly he and the other Eco Warrior figure Snow Storm were both carded in Battle Corps packaging as the Eco Warriors line was cancelled. Outback featured a marbleized coating of neon paint on his pants just before he was repainted in standard tan to suit the Battle Corps*** line better. The convention exclusive pays tribute more so to the 1987 version however is decked out in a more rugged uniform. Outback is a mesh mash of different Joe parts mostly from the Pursuit of Cobra line as well as his equipment he carries. Outback includes a removable vest, backpack that holds several items including cell phone, radio antenna, water container and axe. Outback's weapons include knife, machete, sniper rifle and shotgun.

*Outback v.1
**Outback v.3
***Outback v.4

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