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Join Date: Nov 2007
box art is pretty cool. the outstretched zombie hand with exposed flesh is creepy. a 15 figure set sounds awesome. that being said, i am disappointed with the actual figures. hear me out. the box says 'zombie initiative' so i was expecting actual zombie figures and i don't really see much zombie related stuff.
i had no idea about flint's real name. curious first name. cool tommy gun. helmet and visor looks cool even in green and yellow. toxo viper commander's colors are very colorful and rainbow-ish but i actually like the combo. the visor is awesome. not liking the purple boots though. his canine companion Dawg is terrific. see now why couldn't this 15 figure set come with more zombie figures and/or animals? and i mean whole body zombies. Dawg looks bad ass. big ass abnormal eye. exposed ribs.
gotta say Ozone's color are overwhelming. too much going on in my opinion. so many colors i don't know where to look. but i still dig the color combination. it's nice that these figures have removable helmets and or separate head attachments. the respirator mask is great especially how it's transparent.
the lab rats, now that's creative name for them. lol. what's ARBCO supposed to be or stand for?
the ECO force engineers remind me of the yellow guys from the movie, Free Birds. exactly identical! i wish this figure had a different paint job because it looks so similar to flint's paint job.
the hostile environmental troopers look great! perfect use of those oversized weapons. love the bio hazard symbol on the tank backpack. the helmet design with the horns is very cool looking.
survivalist looks like he crawled straight out of The Walking Dead. he looks like he's ready to kick zombie ass and he brought everything he needs! easily my favorite figure of this set. love that he can store weapons on his backpack. love that the axe handle is painted. the jerry can storage is awesome! vest, beard, goggles, sniper rifle, machete, shot gun, this is PERFECT for a zombie warrior! all he needs now is a vehicle.
the compound z troopers look FREAKING AWESOME but why oh why couldn't hasbro exposed them just a little more??? would have been great to see exposed flesh, chest, etc. really love the cracked helmet exposing half of the face and that creepy face! i wish the troopers would have had variant flesh exposed instead of all 3 looking identical.
where's my eco striker?!