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Old 04-27-2014, 04:49 PM #20
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that's cool that back in the day you could get a free figure by sending flag points and a little $. really like the Z decal on the warhead of the Steel Brigade Cmdr. the paint on the helmet visor is nice. the black visor looks cool. i do wish that shovel was removable. well at least they painted it but honestly i would have preferred a different color. the gold is too sparkly and shiny. and it's like a glitter gold axe. without his helmet, the cmdr looks like firefly.

i'm surprised t'jbang is a good guy. i thought he was part of cobra. his colors are funky. really like the mix of yellow, black, and blue. the partial mask looks cool. also like that it's not just yellow but also includes black stripes. i like that the knee pads and shins have little details. the gauntlets are cool. he'll need them in case zombies try to bite his forearms. the book bag is cool cause it holds the swords but the way it stores them is not realistic or believable. a different backpack would have been better. the one included is too ordinary looking.

that jeep looks great. very large, 4 doors, missile launchers, and 4 seats. the colors are also good.

there have been countless repaints of the awe striker. this is one of those cases where this repaint is actually nice. it's an updated version of the original eco striker and i really like those bright neon colors. i also like the decals especially on the sides. the red decal compliments well the sky blue, yellow, and black. glad to see that the water cannon was replaced by a grappling hook launcher.

the septic tank looks great. i'm glad they stuck with that canopy cause i didn't like the canopy from the original septic tank. i like that it has lots of missiles and launchers. do wish the treads moved. this is a fantastic tank i hear. lots of room and very large.
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