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Judging by appearances alone...
Old 06-13-2014, 12:56 AM #6
US Navy Veteran
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Default Judging by appearances alone...

1) Cobra Commander - just appearance alone, I'd appoint him as the bad guy leader. Just by looking at the red logo on his chest that I could swear looks like a cobra.
2) Original Cobra Blueshirt (The Enemy) He just looks like a grunt meant for Mirror Face.
3) Snake Eyes. Simply by appearance, he is dressed in Black BDU's, he'd be my Infiltrator/Commando.
4) Shipwreck. Navy dungarees? Hells yeah! He is a tried and true 'Murican!
5) Breaker. ODs = American Soldier. His backpack and helmet w/mic = Communications/Radioman.

All original ARAHs. The other guys, I'll just separate the 'Murican soldiers first based purely on their uniforms. So brightly dressed guys ain't gonna make it in my team. So Blowtorch ain't gonna make the cut. Neither will Stormy. A ninja dressed in white? Bitch, please! Toss in the Reject pile.

Next, I will be noticing the Cobra logo on a few of the guys, I would put them all together. They will be my bad guys. Just looking at CoCo's uniform, he LOOKS like the leader. But Destro? He'd be in the Torchy pile, under WTF? Silver metallic head and dressed in what looks like a leisure suit with the top split wide open to show off his entire chest? Gay!!!

Honorable Mentions:
LowLight, I agree with Lava Boss, he looks like a villain but I would notice he does not have a logo on him, so I would make him a Sniper. He just looks it.

Scrap Iron. He will be up there in the bad guys' command structure. He just looks like a badass bad guy with a well designed suit.

Firefly. Just from the uniform and the accessories I know he is a Saboteur.

Then we have this guy...

My absolute favorite figure. He comes with cool accessories, too. But he looks like he could be related to Mirror Face but no logo. So I would make him my Independent Contractor. A Bad Guy with Heart. Conflicted. I wish they would have made a ME upgrade of this guy before Hasbro dissolved the GI Joe division.

The original vehicles would be a no-brainer, but the bad guys will only get the HISS, Stinger and the ATV. The BUGG, POGO, and SNAKE armor, WTF pile.

These are all based on appearances without any knowledge of their backgrounds. I will judge them based purely from my military experience. So a LOT of the other characters will not make the cut simply because of their bright colors. I would even surmise that they probably belonged to another line.

Just sayin'

"They're not dolls, they're Action Figures! I do not play with toys, I take diorama photographs!"
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