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Old 07-16-2015, 03:31 PM #7
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gijoeiwasthere's Avatar
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gijoeiwasthere is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jun 2013

I have Thoughts.......Everyone Should Pay an Homage At Least In The Form Of Posting A Pic! Come On....Everyone Is Still Lurking/Checking Out JoeDios....Post A Shot!...It's Been 10 Years....This Is A Revolutionary Site to Express Your Love For GI Joe!.....I Cordially Invite Everyone to Post a Shot!! and I'm a Nobody on Here!
Show Hammerfell You Really Do Appreciate His Site!!! and His Visionary Idea Of A Place We Can really Use Our Collections And Express Our Inner GI Joeisms!!!!
if You Are a Member Who Has Never Posted And Wanted To....Post!
If You're An OG and only Nonchalant...Check what's up...Post!
Everyone's Got a Pic in Mind....or one done....Let's Crash This Site!
There Are Enough of Us To Do It!
So if you ask me.....that's what I want for the 10 Year Anniversary....
It's worth It! this site Is a godsend For Joe Peeps!
Hell of a coolness!

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