Originally Posted by gijoeiwasthere
Then $50 for a sealed R.O.C.C....
I don't remember how much the ROCC was MSRP. I think it was offered at different price points cuz it was released a few times? $50 is pretty good for it.
So check this out. The trailer is supposed to be a command center with airplane vertical launch pad thingy, right? If you look closely, when you open up the center, there are wheel tracks on the back of the trailer. You can actually dislodge the airplane launcher (which I think you're supposed to do, but Hasbro never revealed that lil tidbit) to be away from the command center. (cuz in theory, the blast from the plane would fry everyone in the command center, right?) Thing is, the launcher section doesn't stand on it's own very well. I think if you do it on a hard flat surface (like a desk or table), it might stand on it's own if you arrange the doors right.