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Old 03-01-2007, 10:43 PM #8
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I started to post this in the Favorite Joes thread in defense of Slice, but I figure I'll put it here since it fits better.

The post-100 issues aren't that bad. There's no arguing that the series was past it's prime, but it still had a lot going for it. Yes, the goofy sub-groups are there, but there's lots of good stuff too, including "Destro: Search and Destroy," the battle at the Silent Castle in Trans-Carpathia, the return to Borovia wherein Hawk gets shot (again!), Cobra's invasion of Pit III (which is one of Duke's best moments in the comic series), the Scarlett as a defector storyline, and the Star Brigade story-- which, though I have problems with the existence of Star Brigade, is actually a really good story if you can get past the inherent "wrong-ness" of its premise.

Plus there's lots of good soap operatics, which was always one of my favorite aspects of the series, and a good chunk of it was drawn by Andrew Wildman, one of the best artists to grace the pages of the series.

is on indefinite hiatus...
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