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Old 11-01-2005, 05:58 PM #17
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Originally Posted by thecommander
Its great to finally see all the Joe music up on the internet, I thank you very much sir! I always enjoyed the background music, but I did notice one of the major themese from the cartoon was missing, the Battle theme they usually used(which was also used on Transformers), I cant really describe it but its used in the opening battle of Pyramid of Darkness

I know the one you mean, but it's from the second composer to work on the show. All the files I created are from Johnny Douglas, the first composer (he only wrote music for the original 1983 mini series, but it was recycled throughout the second mini and the rest of the series).

The second, more orchestral sounding (and in my opinion more generic sounding) music was created by Rob Walsh for use in both the G.I. Joe and Transformers cartoons. I may someday make MP3s of those too, because even though I don't like it as much, I do still like it... though when I might get to it is anyone's guess (including mine!!).

But anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback!
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