Hell hath no fury....
Posts: 7,646
Join Date: Dec 2006
I'm Taking a Census.......Please Weigh In on this.....
I've got a question that I'd like to pose to the forum..........
I love all the pics, let's throw that out right off.......and I love to see various angles and such. Also, if story is being played out, then by all means-post!!
But what personally I'm not hip to is when people post up 20 pics at once and essentially it's 3 or 4 (or more) of the same shot for some of them.
I know that when I post up, I try to tell a story in progressive order. Or even a couple of 'one shots', but not the same thing again and again........
Take for instance, Flint and I are sitting on the next set of our pics.......we took them almost 2 weeks ago..........we haven't posted yet due to various obligations (he's expecting his first child in a couple of weeks and I'm in a new relationship-among other things), but if we had posted last night like we were planning on..........our pics would have been TOTALLY buried!!!!
What's the policy on this?? Is there even one?? I don't want to blow anybody's 'high', but if there's a repetitive pic thing going on, does anyone have any objections to having some 'copies' deleted???
Please let me know what your feelings are...........and don't worry about offending, I just really am trying to get a feel for this topic.............
Thanks guys!!!
Non illigitamus carborundum~Vos mos non effrego mihi
Coming soon: 'JoeSpecialOps'