Hell hath no fury....
Posts: 7,646
Join Date: Dec 2006
HooBoy.............I really can't stand this!!!
Listen Night Creeper/stormshadowisdeadly/fireflyv1 and whatever the hell else you call yourself ('cause I really can't remember the lame@$$ed one you used when you asked for the admin host address-DUH!!), JUST STOP!!!
Stop with the PM's
Stop with the BEGGING
Stop with the HARRASSING
You're doing nothing but ostracizing yourself even more (and if your not sure of what that word means, google 'websters.com')
You begged and pleaded for another chance a few times already.....we all decided to give it to you and even tried to give you sage advice....and EVERY time you've crapped all over it!!
I'm sorry, but YOUR DONE HERE!!! Pack out your trash...............you don't have to go home, BUT YOU SURE AS HELL CAN'T STAY HERE!!!!
Non illigitamus carborundum~Vos mos non effrego mihi
Coming soon: 'JoeSpecialOps'