Right so we know our base colour. And we also know the character we're using and the images, Next you need to minimise the background we've just created. so that you can bring it back into play once we've resized the other 4 images.
From your software program open up in succession the 4 images we saw earlier.
You'll be left with a software program screen showing your untitled background and four images all as seperate windows on the bottom of your screen Like so.
We'll start with the Duke that's MOC first. Open up that window and use the free hand tool to select the better part of the picture to put on your background.
Cut and paste this and drop it onto your new green military background.
Don't forget that if you make an error and the crop isn't the right size you can undo those changes right away. So lets see what we can do with the Cropped duke image>
Don't forget to utilise the MOVE tool. This enables you to manipulate each layer you add to the background freely. Don't just be satisfied with where the program drops it down. Have a bit of fun and switch the positioning of the image. Does it suit centralised or to the left? Think about where your writing will go.. or maybe you wont want writing?