I haven't put THAT much thought into it. I was really just thinking 1 picture of a duder (Falcon, Bazooka, whoever) and everyone comments on that character. Be it how the person was used in the comic, if they suck, if they are totally loved, the color choices are wrong, etc. Tilman Goins once asked me, "what's the one thing that's missing from yojoe.com? You don't get to comment on the characters they have archived." Todd Weinz tried to do this back on his Magnum6Delta forums, but it didn't go far.
I would suggest JUST the 1 picture of the character as opposed to many. I suppose we could do several pics but then the comments would be spread out instead of under 1 'topic'. I'd rather see 50 comments pertaining to Bazooka than 12 comments over several. HOWEVER, that is all debatable.
No reviews are necessary. You would just go with your own feelings and what you see.
By no means would "I" assign anyone figures. It's basically whoever wants to do what, they can. However, there should be a sign-up so we don't get 10 people doing Falcon or Big Ben, y'know? And yeah, I would HOPE the people volunteering pics of their figures HAVE the figures! I mean, don't expect me to offer any ARAH stuff.
As well, we could do vehicles as well.
As Self-Mod has mentioned recently, when we do this, we should probably give it a specific Key Term. "SpotlightFalcon" or "SpotlightTunnelRat" So if we ever want to look back at the stuff we've, uh, reviewed, then it's easy to find.
Just to note, both General Hawk (Justin of JoeSightings) and LeoTDragon (Fred of JBL) already have reviews of several characters. In fact, Fred is going back in time and reviewing the ARAH stuff with his magical words. They also have reviews for the 2002+ figures. Seriously, these guys are capable of working magic and I have been swayed quite a few times to buy GI Joe stuff that I had NO intention of every buying.
In any case, I'd rather see personal comments made about the figures than 'reviews' by either picturetaker or us. We want reviews, we can visit other sites, y'know?
Please continue commmenting...