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When Did GI Joe "Jump the Shark"?
Old 03-01-2007, 04:26 PM #1
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Default When Did GI Joe "Jump the Shark"?

I was reading an article the other day and it claimed a show had "Jumped the Shark". I had NO CLUE what this meant, so being inquisitive, I looked it up! I looked it up and found out in Hollywood they use that term to denote when a show has hit it's peak and begins it's downhill slide (getting boring, monotonous, hard to believe or suffering from lack of creativity from the writers and totally breaks from canon........sort of like how BattleStar Galactica has for me lately!) Anyway......

As Far As the First run Marvel Comics run went, when did the comic "Jump the Shark" in your opinion? For me it was when they mirrored Desert Storm in Aberrjan or Trucial Albismia (or whatever tha place was) and killed off BF2000, Doc, Breaker, CrankCase, etc.

Although come to think of it, BF2000 sort of marked the jumping of the Shark!

(Jumping the Shark came from the Happy Days Episode when Fonzie jumped a Shark on Water skis, that episode was so hard to swallow it marked the departure of a lot of fans and began the phrase "Jump the Shark")

What do you think.......discuss.......
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Old 03-01-2007, 04:58 PM #2
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Just after the Cobra War for me.
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:07 PM #3
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i would have to agree. shortly after the war, i like the issues where spirit and mutt were in the town, and where clutch and rock n roll were caught. and a few others after that. but it wasnt long after the war that it started being G.I. Snake Eyes. no, no, i know the exact time, it was the start of the ninja force and/or the transformers crossover. and i was a wannabe ninja at the time *sigh*
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:27 PM #4
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As much as I like the Transformers and was okay with the concept of a crossover, those issues just got daft. Cobra Commander was spouting ten-dollar words for comic relief, 2 out of 3 lines from any Cobra character/trooper was a joke or at least tongue-in-cheek (I know there was always humor but I'm sure it used to be more balanced), Dr. Mindbender returned as a clone, the plot with Scarlett in Cobra as a double agent was just abandoned when Megatron showed up...

I'd say that was the right-over-the-shark moment, with Firefly & his Zombified Ninjas being the run-up. At least that had consistent art from Wildman & Baskerville; when Megatron arrived they left and we had a different artist every issue for ages, often multiple artists in a single issue! And of course, the ludicrous "starring SNAKE EYES" on the cover...

Toys, it was probably Eco-Warriors. If not, DEFINITELY Armor-Tech.
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:59 PM #5
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Wasn't RnR and Clutch kidnapped and brainwashed? Or they were kidnapped by brainwashed people? I remember something that involved kids and that was the point where I was saying, "WTF? Did this just become Ghostbusters? What's with the kids?" I thought the art went downhill too which really soured me to things.
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Old 03-01-2007, 06:44 PM #6
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Originally Posted by Sonneilon
Wasn't RnR and Clutch kidnapped and brainwashed? Or they were kidnapped by brainwashed people? I remember something that involved kids and that was the point where I was saying, "WTF? Did this just become Ghostbusters? What's with the kids?" I thought the art went downhill too which really soured me to things.

clutch and r&r were caught by the dreadnoks at the new cobra town, broca beach and were brainwashed into not remembering where it was. and into makeing them killing machines, which did not work, remember the 2 girls who found the joe base.
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Old 03-01-2007, 06:50 PM #7
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To me, GIJoe REALLY jumped the shark when Firefly was revealed to be the "Faceless Master". Before, the comic did have some "miss" issues but the overall quality was still very good. However, after the "Firefly is back and is a ninja master!" segment, the entire quality of the comic just dropped and remained low until the final issue.
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Old 03-01-2007, 07:16 PM #8
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As much as I like most of the late issues for the drama and soap-operatics, I do have to admit that the jump-the-shark moment was probably with the intro of Ninja Force.

...You don't know hard that is to say, considering how much I love Slice.

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Old 03-01-2007, 07:44 PM #9
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For me, the series 'jumped' when they started introducing characters that really had no sensible purpose. Instead of trying to re-invent the chemistry that was already there, they killed characters & replaced them with 'hip new ones'......
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Old 03-01-2007, 07:45 PM #10
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I reread the entire series about 1 1/2 years ago, and I could feel the quality drop out of the comic as soon as Nunchuck, Dojo, and T'Jbang showed up in issue #117. So Ninja Force pretty much did it for me too. It seemed the comic put a lot of emphasis on these completely boring characters, likely to cash in on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles popularity. They even made Zartan look like Bebop when wave 2 came out, orange mohawk? If the toyline had last another year, we would have seen a Ninja Commando Roadpig, I guess he would be a Ninja Force Rocksteady.
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