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modding when is enough enough?
Old 07-01-2011, 10:48 PM #1
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Default modding when is enough enough?

Hey I was wondering how many of you like to keep your joes factory and or is there a limit to how much of a figure you'll change?

For example i want to paint the upper parts of my POC IG boots black to match the shoe but for some reason i feel I have to keep it mint and cant bring myself to do it even tho im a really good painter,whats your limit? anyone else have this problem?
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:01 AM #2
Agent Viper
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Back when I first started my PoC collection. I would paint the straps on them,dry brush mud on the open flesh parts of the figures,repaint certain clothes pieces, and drybrushing the weapons in order to make them worn and used.

That's past modding, I consider it customization.

But painting their boots? Go for it!
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Old 07-02-2011, 12:23 PM #3
Otto the Otter
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I used to keep everything, except the things I specifically bought to customize, factory fresh. If I modified something, I'd buy a second one just to have as an untouched version. For some reason I kept thinking of "resale value." I don't know why. I think part of it was seeing some people finding a rare item or hard to find item and the modifying it and me looking at it like, "you took a Roddy Piper Figure, cut off the kilt and painted him neon green?!?!" Now i'm at the point where if I think I can improve it, i'll paint it, cut it, or modify it it to my liking. I still think twice before I mod something rare or hard to find because if I mess it up, how easily will it be to replace? But other than that, I go for it.
The only person who won't be ok with you painting boot tops is some purest who sees what you had done, or Heaven forbid you need to sell your collection, the guy who buys them and doesn't like the mod.
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Some people, when trying to avoid thinking about those things that cause them pain, turn to drink, or perhaps food, or drugs... I turn not to any of those... I collect action figures, turning my mind to the hunt, so that I might find a mote of peace... Over the years, I've found that alcoholism is much more socially acceptable by far.

Last edited by Otto the Otter : 07-05-2011 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 07-05-2011, 02:30 PM #4
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Yeah Otto I dont even know why im thinking resale i have other stuff not joe related that would go for a nice penny in a pinch.

I need to try to enjoy my figs a little more.
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:32 PM #5
Da Talent
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I have no problem "destroying" a figure's value. It's just so much fun.
All my customs in one place....Da Talent's Customs
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